Volume 7 Issue 3 (2018)

CIRSA: Designing Instructional Kits to Empower 21st Century Skill

pp. 200-208  |  Published Online: September 2018  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.73.4

Refirman Djamahar, Rizhal Hendi Ristanto, Nurmasari Sartono, Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan, Ahmad Muhlisin


Research about scientific literacy and metacognitive in the learning process is one of the main aspects of education with a vision to strengthening 21st century skills. This study aimed to produce a learning design as a product of a scientific approach-based cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRSA) media with a vision of empowering science literacy and metacognitive. The research method employed was a 4D research and development model (define, design, develop, disseminate). However, the research was limited up to the develop stage. The research result indicates that the product of CIRSA learning development in form of syllabus, lesson plan, learner worksheet, and evaluation instruments were within the category of very valid and feasible to be used as a learning media for Biology as a subject at the junior high school level. The research result is expected to contribute in the empowerment of scientific literacy and metacognitive.

Keywords: CIRSA, instructional kits, metacognitive, scientific approach, scientific literacy


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