Volume 10 Issue 2 (2021)

The effects of a mobile pre-learning system with surface learning approach on academic achievement and mobile learning attitude

pp. 42-58  |  Published Online: May 2021  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2021.102.3

Ulas Yabanova and Ozden Demirkan


Background/purpose – The main purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the mobile pre-learning system developed according to the surface learning approach on academic achievement and mobile learning attitudes.

Materials/methods – The research was conducted with 135 university students and a 12-week pretest–posttest unequaled control group quasi-experimental research method. Prepared in line with the content of an Instructional Technologies course, 12 educational videos varying from 3 to 6 minutes, and designed according to the surface learning approach, were issued to the experimental group’s students via the mobile pre-learning system 1 day prior to the relevant lesson, and the data obtained were then analyzed.

Results – As a result of the research, it was determined that the mobile pre-learning system developed according to the surface learning approach had a significant effect on the participant students’ academic achievement and mobile learning attitudes.

Conclusion – It was observed that the mobile pre-learning system developed according to the surface learning approach had a close to medium-level effect on the satisfaction and motivation factors of the participant students’ mobile learning attitudes. However, it was determined that it had no significant effect on the impact and usefulness factors of learning. In addition, it was concluded that the mobile pre-learning system based on the surface learning approach had a significant effect on the participant students’ academic achievement.

Keywords: Surface learning, mobile pre-learning system, academic achievement, mobile learning attitude, distance learning, learning approaches, SOLO taxonomy.


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