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Educational Process: International Journal (EDUPIJ) uses the double-blind system for peer-reviews. Manuscripts are reviewed by three expert peers; two external reviewers and one editor from the journal. 

Current Volume 14 (2025) - In progress
A Coaching & Mentoring Tool Anchors Support and Collaboration
Chris Wilcoxen , Riley Newman , Morgan Wulff
The Role of the Critical Friend in Supporting Principals to Lead School Improvement
Ryan Dunn
Student Reflections on Peer Assessments: Benefits and Challenges in a Mathematics Class
Yaniv Biton
Robots Teaching Teachers: Acceptance of Technology in Higher Education
Edgar Omar López-Caudana , Paloma Suarez-Brito , Jose Jaime Baena-Rojas
Experiences of Mentor Teachers in Supporting Pre-service Teachers’ Professional Growth and Development Using Conversation and Professional Standards
Ondine Bradbury , Ange Fitzgerald
Beliefs and Attitudes of Primary School Mathematics Teachers Towards STEM Education
Afizal Abd Ghani , Roslinda Rosli , Siti Mistima Maat
Moral Leadership in Primary Education: Constructing and Validating an Instrument for Principal Assessment
Paul Arjanto , Feibry Feronika Wiwenly Senduk , Inaya Sari Melati , Tri Wahyuni Maduretno , Hisky Ryan Kawulur
Exploring the Impact of Student Orientation on Mathematics Learning Using Self-Organizing Maps: A Study with Middle School Students
Charaf Tilioui , El Mehdi Bellfkih , Imrane Chemseddine Idrissi , Khadija El Kababi , Mohamed Radid , Ghizlane Chemsi
Enhancing Digital-Age Metacognition: A Framework for Cognitive Innovation in Thai Secondary Education
Thiyaporn Kantathanawat , Natarika Thongsomnuek , Mai Charoentham , Paitoon Pimdee
The Effect of a Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching Model on Improving Academic Performance of ADHD Adolescents
Tzvika Mor , Eliana M. Moreno
Echoes of Experience in Teacher Selection: Perspectives from Preservice Mathematics and Science Teachers
Youssef Oulaydi , El Faylali Hanan , Guerss Fatima-Zahra , El Qryefy Mouhcine , Bouhaba Abdelmounaim , Darif Hajar , Youssef El Madhi
Understanding the Integration of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Quranic Education and Research through Bibliometric Analysis
Andri Nirwana An , Fauziyah Qurrota A’yun Tamami , Zainora Daud , Norsaleha Mohd Salleh , Mohamad Haeqal bin Ishak , Muthoifin Muthoifin
Integrating Mastery Adaptive and Problem-Solving (MAPS) Digital Technology Skills into a Thai Community College Student Learning Model
Thiyaporn Kantathanawat , Anyamanee Ussarn , Mai Charoentham , Paitoon Pimdee
A Study of Acmeological Competencies Among Pre-Service Teachers Through Psychometric and Demographic Lenses
Laura Anarbek , Gulnara Sarsenbayeva , Elmira Uteubayeva , Gulnara Issayeva , Kulakhmet Moldabek, Anarbek Kozybay
Differences of Half-Split Equations on Estimating Test-Reliability Coefficient
Omar Saleh Bani Yassin , Aiman Mohammad Freihat , Sabri Hassan Al-Tarawneh
How do Gen Z Teachers Develop Their Intrapersonal Skills? Evidence from Indonesia
Suyatno Suyatno , Dholina Inang Pambudi , Wantini Wantini , Didit Haryadi , Hendra Hendra , Rohmatus Naini
The Efficacy of Portfolio Dynamic Assessment Model for Language Learning: A Case Study in Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Suhartono Suhartono , Margana , Ari Purnawan , Yuyun Yulia
School Leadership Models and Efforts Reconstruction of Religious Moderation in State Madrasah Aliyah in Indonesia
Muchammad Eka Mahmud , Umiarso
Global Trends in Gender Inequality in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis (1993–2024)
Vidnay Noel Valero-Ancco , Fredy Sosa Gutierrez , Yolanda Lujano-Ortega , Katty Maribel Calderón-Quino
Exploring the Influence of Parent-Adolescent Relationships on Adolescents’ Self-Esteem: Evidence from Kosovo
Vlora Sylaj , Adelina Hajrullahu
Problem-Solving Based Epistemic Learning Pattern: Optimizing Mathematical Representation Ability of Prospective Teachers and Pharmacists
Nyoman Sridana , Naif Mastoor Alsulami , Muhamad Galang Isnawan , I Ketut Sukarma
Educating for a Greener Future: Sustainability Thinking in International English Language Textbooks
Samih Al Karasneh , Rania Qassrawi , Ali Al-Barakat , Bushra Alakashee , Najeh Alsalhi , Sami Alqatawneh
The Impact of the Guided Discovery Strategy on Developing Creative Thinking among Sports Students
Mo'een A. Oudat , Nezar M. Al-Luwaici , Mahmoud H. Yacoub
International Competitiveness of Thai Higher Education: The Lens of Student Satisfaction
Jiacheng Zhong , Yaoping Liu , Boge Triatmanto
The Level of Cognitive Awareness of Digital Drugs Among Students of Sultan Qaboos University
Nawal H. Shirawia , Rami A. Tashtoush , Hala S. Alruhaili , Aya Akkawi , Dana M. Tashtoush , Lubna A. Hussein , Mohammad A. Tashtoush
Exam Anxiety and Vocabulary Challenges: Insights from Postgraduate Female Students in Open and Closed Book Exams
Abdullah Al Fraidan , Meznah Saud Abdulaziz Alsubaie
Boredom in Virtual Environments: Arbitrating Factors and Managing Strategies
Raja Muhammad Ishtiaq Khan , Ashraf Ali , Alaa Alahmadi ,Tribhuwan Kumar , Danish Manzoor , Mohammad Ayaz Khan
The Process for the Design, Development, and Implementation of Small Private Online Course (SPOC)
Joseline Santos , Lilibeth Antonio , Aaron Paul Dela Rosa Ruben Borja Iı
Character Quality Development in Future-Oriented Education: A Case Study of Indonesian Nature-Based Schools
Furtasan Ali Yusuf , Laksmi Evasufi Widi Fajari
The Role of Counselors and University Students’ Adversity Quotient in Enhancing Islamic Education (PAI) Online Learning: Insights from the COVID-19 Experience
Tohirin Tohirin , Dina Mardiana
Critical Thinking in the Age of AI: A Systematic Review of AI's Effects on Higher Education
Rahyuni Melisa , Ashadi Ashadi , Anita Triastuti , Sari Hidayati , Achmad Salido , Priska Efriani Luansi Ero , Cut Marlini , Zefrin Zefrin , Zaki Al Fuad
Empowering Educational Management: Teachers’ Insights into School Principals’ Use of Six-Sigma Methodology
Lutfi AlMasaeid , Musallam Al Sharafat , Mohammad Al Hawameda , Reem M. Al- Zou’bi , Khaled M. Hamadin , Areen. A. Al-Nemrat
The Effect of Using Homogeneous Student Groups in Cooperative Learning on The Achievement of Basic School Students: A Case Study, Jordan
Najeh Rajeh Alsalhi , Abdellateef Abdelhafez Alqawasmi , Mahmoud Abdellateef Habboush , Sharif Salim Al-yateem
Exploring Chemistry Teachers' Views on the Opportunities and Constraints of Using Graphically Enhanced Teaching in Cycle 3 Classes in the UAE
Shaikha AlZaabi , Alya Alshehhi , Hassan Tairab
Opportunities for intensive growth of the well-being of students based on interviews in Western Kazakhstan
Мalika Knissarina , Salima Seitenova , Mukhamejan Tusseyev , Akkenzhe Ussenova , Aigul Syzdykbayeva* , Bolat Khassenov
Designing Local Folktales Based English Grammar Instructional Materials with the PACE Model Procedure
Asfi Aniuranti , Naeli Rosyidah , Tono Suwartono
Impact of a Training Program on Developing Computational Thinking in Pre-Service Primary School Teachers: From Theory to Practice
Rita Neves Rodrigues , Cecília Costa , Sónia Brito-Costa , Maryam Abbasi , Fernando Martins
Actions of a Trainee Teacher in Orchestrating Mathematical Discussions
Yelitza Freitas , Fernando Martins , Silvia-Natividad Moral-Sánchez , Francisco-José Ruiz-Rey
Pedagogical Model Innovation Based on Ki Hajar Dewantara’s Among System for History Learning in the Merdeka Curriculum
I Made Ratih Rosanawati , Warto Warto , Djono Djono , Hieronymus Purwanta
Teachers’ Competency in Managing Gifted In-school Adolescents from the Perspective of School Principals
Kehinde C. Lawrence
Glass Ceiling Beliefs: Kazakh Women in Higher Education
Lazura Kazykhankyzy , Ziyoda Khalmatova , Zhanar Temirbekova , Meruyert Seitova , H. Eray Çelik
Proposed Educational Program Predicated on Gamification for Teaching Mathematics as Required by TIMSS and Its Effect on Developing Strategic Competence among Fourth-grade Male Students
Mohammed H. Albahiri , Ali A. M. Alhaj , Bandar M. Al Oteibi
Advancing Inclusive Education: A Comparative Analysis of Special Schools and Inclusive Practices in Afghanistan
Mohammad Idrees Naeemy , Hiroki Yoneda
Comparative of Cost and Return in International and Bilingual Education Programs in a Developing Country
Srisuda Namraksa , Tanpat Kraiwanit , Jumpon Kluaymai-ngarm
Integration of Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach, Local Wisdom, and Gamification in Pancasila Education to Develop Students' Multicultural Competence
Yuyun Elizabeth Patras , Muhammad Japar , Yuli Rahmawati , Rais Hidayat
Second-Career EFL Teachers’ Experiences of Adaptability and Sustainability in English Language Teaching
Trinh Quoc Lap , Phan Ngoc Tuong Vy , Nga Huynh Hong Ngo
Effects of Integrating WSQ-based Flipped Learning and Cooperative Learning on L2 Speaking Performance
Hsiu-Lien Tu
Examining International Student Satisfaction: Insights from a Medical English-Medium Instruction Program in Vietnam
Hung Thanh Nguyen , Lap Quoc Trinh , Tho Doan Vo
The Role of Buddhist Monastic Education in China, 2012-2022: A Case Study of Lingdong Buddhist Academy
Keming Tian , Yaoping Liu , Saifon Songsiengchai , Wannaporn Siripala
The Role of Digital Educational Content in Eliminating Traditional Methods in the Educational Process within Iraqi Universities
Huda Kanber , Khalid Jassim , Suaad Al-Taai , Manal Ibrahim , Neamah Farhan
GenAI as a Learning Buddy for Non-English Majors: Effects on Listening and Writing Performance
Raigul Zheldibayeva
Assessing Quality and Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions in Angola
Francisco Kimbanda , Levi Leonido , Luís Gouveia , Elsa Morgado
Determinants of the Intention to Use ChatGPT in the Work of University Lecturers
Hieu Hoang Nguyen , Na Le Pham , Trang Thu Nguyen , Chau Minh Mai
The Accuracy of Estimating Parameters of Multiple-Choice Test Items, Following Item-Response Theory: A Simulation Study
Aiman Mohammad Freihat , Omar Saleh Bani Yassin
Writing Assessment Technique and Learner Performance: A Study in Instructors’ Perceptions
Abdullah Alshakhi
The effects of concept mapping in enhancing grade 10 students’ learning achievement of literary analysis skills
Kullanut Phoosomphong , Autthapon Intasena , Thussaneewan Srimunta , Nattapon Yotha
Social Alienation and Academic Challenges: Exploring Lives of European Muslim Immigrant Students
Souad Merah , Samih Mahmoud Al Karasneh , Ramdane Tahraoui , Ali M. Jubran , Afkar Said Attia
Factors Influencing Students' Decisions in Choosing Elementary Education Study Programs in Indonesia
Asih Utami , Mohammad Ghufroni Farid , Sujarwo , Riyan Hidayat , Norma Yunaini , Lia Mareza
Abstracting & Indexing

EDUPIJ Citation Metrics


► Educational Process International Journal has adopted continuous publication beginning with Volume 14 (2025).

► Educational Process International Journal has changed to publish in article number order instead of in page range order beginning with Volume 14 (2025).