For Authors

Educational Process: International Journal (EDUPIJ) uses the double-blind system for peer-reviews; reviewers do not know the identity of the author(s), nor do author(s) know the identity of the reviewers. Articles are reviewed by three expert peers; two external reviewers and one editor from the journal.

Publication in EDUPIJ is conditional on submitted articles not having been previously published or currently submitted elsewhere for review towards publication. Contributions submitted to EDUPIJ for publication must be the author(s) original work. Submitted articles go through an initial editorial screening in terms of format, scope and originality. Papers sent to the journal are subject to rigorous editorial check prior to peer-review process. The submissions which cannot verify content originality are desk-rejected.

The journal asks for similarity check reports obtained from iThenticate or from other reputable similarity checking tools. 

Peer-Review Process

A manuscript that has passed this first stage will then be send out for peer review, whereby three experts in the field evaluate the manuscript and write the referee report, and the peer review process is completed in approximately 4 weeks. A typical process of review from the submission through decision follows these steps:

  • Submission: The corresponding author submits the paper to the Educational Process International Journal. Manuscripts should be submitted online at
  • Editor assessment: The Editors check the paper’s composition and arrangement against the author guidelines of the EDUPIJ; and they also check that the manuscript is original and interesting.
  • Invitation to reviewers: The Editor-in-Chief sends invitations to potential reviewers.
  • Response to invitations: Potential reviewers accept or decline the invitation.
  • Review is conducted: After reviewing the article, the reviewers can recommend an accept, major/minor revisions or reject decision.
  • Editorial decision: The Editors evaluate all the returned review reports. If accepted, the paper is published after final editing and typesetting.  If the paper is rejected or sent back to the authors for revision, the Editor-in-Chief sends a letter with the reviewers' comments.

Manuscript Formatting

Articles should be written in English using MS Word, with an inclusive and bias-free language. Minimal formatting should be applied; presenting an easily readable, article which is single line-spaced with a standard business font and size. In general, EDUPIJ considers papers up to 15,000 words in length, including references. An abstract should be included, not exceeding 250 words, with up to five keywords listed. The full names, positions, affiliations, and email addresses of all author should be provided (in English).  

All references should be cited in accordance with the current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (seventh edition, 2020), either within the narrative or parenthesized, with the authors’ surname/s (1-2 authors) or the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” (3 or more authors), and the year of publication.

A full list of alphabetized references should be presented at the end of the article. References should be fully compliant with the standard described in the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Particular attention should be paid to the provision of DOIs for all electronically available references, and using the full URL format for each DOI. Authors are suggested to consult the APA Style website, which contains a comprehensive, reader-friendly set of example references.

Please use the EDUPIJ-article template to prepare your manuscript.

Please download the 'Author Statements and Agreement Form'. It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to receive the approval of all authors, sign the form on behalf of all authors, scan the signed form in .pdf format and upload it during the first submission of your manuscriptPublication cannot proceed without a signed copy of this agreement.

Manuscripts for EDUPIJ should be submitted online at

Educational Process International Journal has changed to publish in article number order instead of in page range order beginning with Volume 14 (2025).

Note: The opinions, statements, and data presented in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributors and do not reflect the views of Universitepark, EDUPIJ, and/or the editor(s). Universitepark, the Journal, and/or the editor(s) accept no responsibility for any harm or damage to persons or property arising from the use of ideas, methods, instructions, or products mentioned in the content.

Generative AI Usage

Declaration of the (co)authorship of generative AI is not permissible in EDUPIJ although the journal recognizes the developments in this technology as a possible means of supporting the efficiency of scientific writing. Assistive AI tools have become a preferred means of improving language, grammar or structure as well as of generating references, text, images or any other form of content.

In any case, EDUPIJ requires authors to declare their use of generative AI by adding a statement to the acknowledgements section of the manuscript before its submission to the journal. The following text should be used for this declaration:

During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [the AI TOOL / SERVICE] in order to [REASON]. The author(s) declare that they reviewed and edited the final output as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the published article.

Authors should also remember that all responsibility for the improper use of AI tools /services are undertaken by the authors. Therefore, they must be conscious of potential risks such as generation of factually incorrect texts or references, plagiarism, fabrication, and/or biases, and remember to carefully review and edit the final output.

The journal will not reject submissions because of the disclosed use of generative AI. However, if the Editor detects the use of AI without disclosure during the submission, or an inappropriate use of AI such as the generation of incorrect text or content, plagiarism or inappropriate attribution to prior sources, the Editor reserves the right to reject the submission at any time during the publishing process.


EDUPIJ Citation Metrics


► Educational Process International Journal has adopted continuous publication beginning with Volume 14 (2025).

► Educational Process International Journal has changed to publish in article number order instead of in page range order beginning with Volume 14 (2025).