Volume 11 Issue 4 (2022)

Experiences in the Training of Teaching Digital Competence for Using Digital Social Networks

pp. 7-26  |  Published Online: December 2022  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2022.114.1

Dieter-Reynaldo Fuentes-Cancell, Odiel Estrada-Molina, Nilda Delgado-Yanes, Jimmy-Manuel Zambrano-Acosta


Background/purpose – The training of teachers to use digital social networks implies a change in the cultural paradigm and new alternatives for the development of their digital skills. This research analyzes the effectiveness of a workshop-structured massive online open course (MOOC) to develop the teaching of digital skills associated with using digital social networks for educational purposes.

Materials/methods – A quasi-experiment with pretest and posttest and intact groups was conducted. The population of the study was the teaching staff of Cuba’s University of Informatics Science, with a sample of 30 teaching professors.

Results – The statistical results justify that in the two experimental groups, the implementation of the MOOC was satisfactory as significant differences were evident. The results suggest and affirm that MOOC-type online courses are an appropriate means for the continuation of teacher training as professional development. It concludes by arguing challenges in teacher training to develop their digital skills, highlighting: (1) technological, social, and educational imaginary; and (2) teaching digital culture vs. cultural codes of the student body.

Conclusion – The main contribution is the effectiveness of teacher training through the interaction and interactivity between the designed MOOC and learning activities conducted using Facebook, LinkedIn, and Telegram.

Keywords: digital competence, online courses, teacher education


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