Volume 5 Issue 2 (2016)

The Relationship between Loneliness and Depression: Mediation Role of Internet Addiction

pp. 97-105  |  Published Online: January 2016  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.52.1

Yasin Demir, Mustafa Kutlu


The aim of this study is to examine the mediation role of internet addiction in the relationship between loneliness and depression. 452 university students (241 women, 211 men) ranging in age from 17 to 31 and who are receiving education in different faculties at Firat University in Turkey participated in the study. UCLA Loneliness Scale, Young Internet Addiction Test Short Form, and Indication Scanning List was applied to the participants. The data were analyzed with correlation, regression, hierarchical regression analysis, and Sobel Z test. According to correlation analysis, there are relations in a positive way among loneliness, depression, and internet addiction. In reference to regression analysis, loneliness predicts internet addiction and depression. However, internet addiction also predicts depression as well. As a result of hierarchical regression analysis to determine the mediation role of internet addiction, it was monitored that internet addiction has partial mediation in the relation between loneliness and depression. In addition to that, it was confirmed that this mediation predicts at a significant level with Sobel Z Test. The findings of the study demonstrate a partial mediation role of internet addiction in the relation between loneliness and depression. According to this result, it can be stated that loneliness and internet addiction are risk factors for depression. In terms of studies on depression, the results of this study can be taken into consideration.

Keywords: loneliness, depression, internet addiction, mediation role, hierarchical regression analysis

Relationship between Impulsivity, Social Media Usage and Loneliness

pp. 106-115  |  Published Online: December 2015  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.52.2

Mustafa Savci, Ferda Aysan


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between impulsivity, social media usage, and loneliness and to test the structural hypothetical model developed based on the literature. The study was conducted on 307 (164 female, 143 male) university students. Data collection instruments of the study were the Barratt Impulsivity Scale Short Form (BIS-11-SF), Social Media Usage Scale (SMUS), and UCLA Loneliness Scale Short Form (ULS-8). The measurement models of the latent variables were tested initially and it was observed that the scales of the latent variables were efficient enough to be included in the structural equation model. In addition, the suggested hypothetical model was tested. According to the analysis, it was observed that impulsivity directly, positively and significantly predicts social media usage, that social media usage directly, positively and significantly predicts loneliness, and that impulsivity indirectly, positively and significantly predicts loneliness.

Keywords: impulsivity, social media usage, loneliness, Facebook, Twitter

Human Values and Compassionate Love in Highly Gifted Students and Normal Student

pp. 116-127  |  Published Online: January 2016  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.52.3

Adnan Ozbey, Hakan Saricam


The principal objective of this study is to examine the relationship between human values and compassionate love of highly gifted students, and to make a comparison of the levels of compassionate love and human values between highly gifted students and their normal peers. One of the quantitative models, associative patterns, were implemented in this research. These are the models used for the determining of levels and the existence of change between two or more variables. With ease of accessibility, 8th grade normal students (N=200) from Balıkesir and Manisa (Turkey) and highly gifted students (N=200) of BILSEM were selected to gather data. 102 of the normal students were female, while 98 were male. 108 of the highly gifted students were female and 92 of them male. In this research, the Human Values Scale and Compassionate Love Scale were applied in order to determine levels of human values and compassionate love of the students. In conclusion, the highly gifted students were observed to have higher levels of human values than their normal peers, and to be more sensitive regarding love.

Keywords: human values, compassionate love, gifted /talented, student

Analysis of Social and Emotional Loneliness According to Glasser’s Basic Needs

pp. 128-138  |  Published Online: February 2016  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.52.4

Mustafa Kutlu, Mustafa Pamuk


The purpose of this study is to examine the social and emotional loneliness of university students based on the five basic needs set by Glasser. The Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale and University Students Basic Needs Scale were used in this study. A total of 371 students, 206 (55.5%) female and 165 (44.5%) male, who were studying in the Faculty of Education, participated in the study. Correlation, kurtosis, skewness values, Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficients, t-test, simple and multiple regression analyses were conducted throughout the study. According to the study findings, social and emotional loneliness does not differ according to gender. It was observed that survival, power, freedom, and fun, which are among the basic needs, do not predict social and emotional loneliness. Only love and belonging were observed to predict both social and emotional loneliness. 

Keywords: social and emotional loneliness, love and belonging, basic needs, Glasser

Pre-Service Teachers’ Teaching-Learning Conceptions and Their Attitudes towards Teaching Profession

pp. 139-151  |  Published Online: February 2016  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.52.5

Hilal Bilgin, Necdet Aykac


The aim of this study is to evaluate the teaching and learning conceptions of pre-service teachers and their attitudes towards teaching profession in terms of some variables. The study was designed as a relational survey model. The sample of the study consists of 406 first grade and senior university students, namely pre-service teachers, studying in Turkey. Criterion sampling method was applied in order to select the participants. Data of the study was collected through the “Teaching-Learning Conceptions Scale” and “Attitudes towards Teaching Profession Scale”. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and correlation analyses were used to analyze the data. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and correlation analyses were used. According to the results obtained from this study, pre-service teachers’ constructivist teaching and learning conception are higher than their scores of traditional conception. Moreover, pre-service teachers’ teaching and learning conceptions do not differ significantly in terms of gender and grade variables, whereas they differ significantly according to their departments. In addition, pre-service teachers’ levels of professional attitude can be regarded as positive and their attitudes towards teaching profession differ significantly in terms of gender, grade and department variables. Lastly, it was concluded that there was a positive correlation between pre-service teachers’ constructivist teaching, learning conceptions, and their attitudes towards teaching profession while a negative relationship was observed between their traditional conceptions and professional attitudes.

Keywords: teaching-learning conceptions, pre-service teachers, professional attitudes, teaching profession

Determining School Administrators’ Perceptions on Institutional Culture: A Qualitative Study

pp. 152-166  |  Published Online: February 2016  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.52.6

Secil Eda Kartal


Schools, the where educational activities are carried out, are among the major institutions society considers as important. Schools undertake strategic responsibilities in maintaining cultural values and conveying them to future generations. The primary responsibility in achieving these missions is assigned to the school administrators. The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions of school administrators on institutional culture. This is a qualitative study conducted on school administrators who were selected based on the volunteering principle. Perceptions of school administrators concerning their institutions’ culture and the differences between their institutional culture and other institution’s cultures were determined and analyzed. Findings of this study suggest that school administrators have both positive and negative opinions regarding their institutional culture and cultural difference. While love-respect, collaboration-solidarity and common history were prominent positive opinions; lack of communication, lack of shared values and low expectation were prominent negative opinions. In addition, participants stated the environment as a crucial factor when defining culture.

Keywords: school, culture, institutional culture, school administrator, cultural perception


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