Volume 8 Issue 2 (2019)

Students’ Attitudes towards Research: A Study of Graduate Education Students at a Chinese Normal University

pp. 97-110  |  Published Online: June 2019  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.82.1

Paul Kakupa, Han Xue


This study examined graduate education students’ attitudes towards research, and explored the demographic factors associated with those attitudes. Using Papanastasiou’s (2014) Revised Attitude towards Research (R-ATR) scale, the study collected data from 100 graduate students of an Education Faculty at a university in northern China. The results showed that the students had moderately positive attitudes towards research. A comparison between Doctoral and Master’s degree students revealed that the former had significantly more positive research attitudes, higher self-efficacy, and lower research anxiety than the latter. An increase in the number of research courses taken was significantly associated with lesser research anxiety. Students’ generalized self-efficacy was positively associated with their overall attitudes towards research. There was no significant relationship found between age and attitudes towards research. The study concludes by making suggestions about the need to enhance students’ positive research attitudes as a means to eliminating research anxiety.

Keywords: research disposition, research anxiety, attitudes, research methods, research usefulness, attitudes toward research, generalized self-efficacy


Teachers with Multiple Jobs: A Preliminary Typology on the Basis of Estonian Teachers’ Life Stories

pp. 111-122  |  Published Online: June 2019  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.82.2

Lianne Teder, Rain Mikser


In many fields, the percentage of professionals having one or more jobs in addition to their full-time primary job is increasing worldwide. With numerous members earning relatively modest salaries, teachers are a professional group among the most affected by this tendency. Traditionally, “moonlighting” (the commonly used term for having an additional job) is considered to be highly problematic in terms of a teacher’s ability to fulfil their teaching responsibilities. However, little attention has been paid to the potential that “teacher-moonlighters” could have in contributing to school life by using their out-of-school work experience. This article introduces a small-scale narrative study with teachers from Estonia and proposes a preliminary typology of teachers having multiple jobs. Providing examples from narrative life history interviews, it is argued that certain types of teachers have the potential to enrich school life. Two dimensions appeared to be most indicative for categorizing teachers with multiple jobs: “permanence” and “self-actualization through multiple jobs.” The researchers argue that these dimensions are promising for further discussion of teacher career patterns in which multiple jobs can be seen not as obstructive, but as contributing to teachers’ professionalism.

Keywords: Estonian teachers, multiple jobs, life stories


How Are the Gifted? Point of View of University Students

pp. 123-133  |  Published Online: June 2019  |  DOI: DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.82.3

Ma. Concepción Rodríguez-Nieto, Ana Sofía Sánchez-González, Martha Patricia Sánchez-Miranda


The aim of the study was to analyze the conceptions of giftedness of average university students as they influence attitudes and behaviors that positively or negatively influence the emotional, academic and social wellbeing of the gifted. The study design was mixed method; the sample was non-probabilistic with 74 participants who answered an open-ended question about the characteristics and behaviors of the gifted. The results showed that conceptions of giftedness are formed by socioemotional characteristics and intellectual characteristics. Some students reported a single category of characteristics, whilst other students showed a combination of components from both categories. The socioemotional characteristics were perceived by some students as negative, whilst others were positive, and some presented a mixture of these two valences. The above-average intelligence was related to the ease, speed and passion for learning and the negative socioemotional characteristics of the gifted.

Keywords: giftedness, conceptions of giftedness, gifted students, socioemotional characteristics, social-emotional problems


History of the Spanish Pedagogical Renewal Through its Education Centers: 1876-1972

pp. 134-144  |  Published Online: June 2019  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.82.4

Francisco Javier Pericacho, Miguel Ángel Novillo, Amaya Arigita, Roberto Sánchez-Cabrero, Amelia Barrientos, Lidia Mañoso-Pacheco


Promoted by some of the most critical sectors of the education community, the history of the Spanish pedagogical renewal (19th and 20th centuries) shows all kinds of experiences representing an innovative, committed and transformative way to understand both pedagogical processes and the school. This article shows the final results of the historical analysis of the Spanish pedagogical renewal from the late 19th century (1876) to the last years of Franco’s dictatorship (1972), through the different primary education schools considered as references, both public and private. Different studies on the Spanish pedagogical renewal have been examined, as well as media from the period and the main education magazines which acted as tools of expression in each historical period. This analysis was completed with data obtained from the revision of education projects, the direct observation of several cases, and consultation with the most relevant stakeholders. In order to create an overview, this article allows for a gradual understanding of the historical development, and of the cultural, political, social and pedagogical nature of the changing processes experimented through those years.

Keywords: pedagogical renewal in Spain, school, history of education, alternative school


Am I Supposed to Create Knowledge?: Pedagogical Challenges of Doctoral Mentors

pp. 145-152  |  Published Online: June 2019  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.82.5

Jung-ah Choi


This paper discusses the nature and characteristics of doctoral dissertation learning and the role of mentor in the dissertation stage. Doctoral level education requires a considerable degree of learner’s independent thinking. While independence has been discussed as a personal trait or in relation to the socialization of doctoral education, independence has rarely been discussed as a higher level of cognitive development necessary to create new knowledge. When students transition from a consumer of knowledge to a creator/owner of knowledge, they are required to adopt a new epistemology, i.e., a new way of knowing. How do doctoral advisors/mentors successfully open students to a new way of knowing? This paper addresses the pedagogical foundations of doctoral advising. Drawing on theories of student-centered pedagogy and self-directed learning, this paper attempts to conceptualize the doctoral supervisor’s role in the case of doctoral supervision.

Keywords: doctoral mentor, knowledge, pedagogical challenges



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► New issue coming soon! (Volume 13 Issue 3, 2024)