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Training Second-Career Teachers: A Different Student Profile, A Different Training Approach? pp. 173-201 | Published Online: April 2016 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.53.1 Marlies Baeten, Wil Meeus
Abstract Second-career teachers are career changers who leave their current jobs to become teachers. This study conducts a narrative literature review which explores the student profiles of these teachers, asking how they differ from school leavers entering teacher education. The literature review also explores the characteristics of training approaches that are most suitable for second-career teachers based on their general student profile. Results show that second-career teachers are older, have strong intrinsic motivation, possess a wide range of knowledge and skills, have a self-directed and application-oriented approach to learning and teaching, and appreciate peer support. They benefit from teacher education programs that are flexible and include a preparatory period, that transfer their expertise into the teaching profession, provide opportunities for self-directed learning and peer support, integrate coursework and field experience, offer a significant amount of field experience and provide intensive mentoring support. Keywords: second-career teacher, career changer, teacher education program, teacher training |
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The Journey to a Program for International Teacher Leaders: Vision, Dilemmas & Success! pp. 202-212 | Published Online: June 2016 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.53.2 Leigh C. Martin, Timothy W. Gilson
Abstract The purpose of this program review is to examine one university's attempt to reach an international market of educators through the development of a master’s degree program designed for K-12 international educators. The program serves as a successful example for other organizations attempting to internationalize their education programs. This study outlines the program growth and development including (1) course design and delivery, (2) lessons learned, (3) program assessment results, and (4) overall impact of the program. Examples of challenges and student experiences highlight the descriptive piece; adding a personal lens on the program development, growing pains, and ultimately the final framework as it applies today. The findings provide several key takeaways. First, the importance of building relationships with those people embedded in the field. Second, the need to understand the lives of international teachers and what is important to them. Finally, how navigating the waters of the university bureaucracy can provide multiple challenges; however, few that cannot be overcome with perseverance and passion. New perspectives were gained as this newly created university program served as a catalyst for infusing global awareness and cultural competencies while increasing enrollment in both graduate and international students. Keywords: international educators, international students, education programs, vision |
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Comparative Study of In-service Teacher Education between China and Germany pp. 212-222 | Published Online: July 2016 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.53.3 Ye Zhang, Chunwen Hao
Abstract This paper aims to point out the insufficiencies of in-service teacher education in China and Germany, and correspondingly provide suggestions for enhancing teacher’s quality and quantity effectively to fit the higher requirements of school education. In this study, in-service teacher education in China and Germany are discussed through a qualitative analysis. This paper resolves the following issues through the comparison of in-service teacher education between China and Germany: (1) Exploration of similarities and differences of the institutions, aims, and modes of in-service education of the two countries. (2) Analysis of the educational management measures between the two countries; finding the advantages of these measures to improve the teachers’ quality and quantity. These measures include systems of admission, appointment, treatment, and assessment. (3) Point out the problems of teacher education in China and Germany, and correspondingly give some suggestions to improve on inadequacies. This paper fulfills an identified need to improve new teachers’ professional development through transforming previous studies with teaching experience in real educational situations. Keywords: in-service teacher education, training objectives, training modes and institutions, educational management measures, China, Germany |
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An Evaluation of Teachers’ Opinions about the Servant Leadership Behaviours of School Principals pp. 223-235 | Published Online: June 2016 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.53.4 Robert Insley, Paula Iaeger, Abdurrahman Ekinci, Halis Sakiz
Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the servant leadership behaviors that were displayed, or expected to be displayed, by principals towards the teaching staff at their schools, from the teachers’ perspectives. The data was collected during focus group discussion with 12 teachers who were in service in primary and secondary schools. The teachers were chosen using the snowball sampling method. The data obtained from the participants was analyzed using content analysis. When the findings were evaluated, it was determined that the principals were not qualified enough to display servant leadership behaviors. Moreover, the teachers stated that principals should display servant leadership behaviors that are oriented towards community building, sharing, empathy, active listening, humility, and altruism. In this respect, it can be suggested that principals should receive servant leadership education through instructional programs that should be developed. Keywords: servant leadership, school leadership, school management, principals |
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Examining the Relationships between Occupational Professionalism and Organizational Cynicism of Teachers pp. 236-253 | Published Online: May 2016 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.53.5 Yahya Altinkurt, C. Ergin Ekinci
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between occupational professionalism and organizational cynicism levels of teachers. The sample of this study, designed as a survey research, consists of 436 teachers employed in schools in the city center of the province of Denizli, Turkey. The data of the study were collected through the administration of Teachers’ Occupational Professionalism Scale and Organizational Cynicism Scale to the sample group. In data analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and regression analyses were conducted. The results of the study indicate that occupational professionalism of teachers was high and their organizational cynicism was close to medium level. Low and negative relations were found between occupational professionalism of teachers and their cognitive and affective cynicism levels. According to regression analysis, only contribution to organization as one of the four sub-dimensions of occupational professionalism was a significant predictor of cognitive and affective cynicism of teachers. Occupational professionalism of teachers was not observed to be significantly influential on the behavioral cynicism of teachers. All four dimensions of occupational professionalism of teachers together explained 4.3% of cognitive cynicism of teachers and 5% of their affective cynicism. Keywords: occupational professionalism, organizational cynicism, teacher professionalism |
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Seizing the Unexpected and Creative Meaning Making in the Unfolding of Classroom Interaction pp. 254-263 | Published Online: July 2016 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.53.6 Luisa Molinari, Ameya G. Canovi
Abstract This is a theoretical article on creative meaning making in classroom interaction, with a focus on the unfolding of cognitive, relational, and emotional aspects of teaching and learning, often tied to one another. To accomplish this goal, we integrate studies from two theoretical backgrounds, i.e., the historical cultural theory and the developmental system theory principles. We have focused on several fields of research. First, we have summarized works on micromoments of creativity. Second, we have considered studies that have taken a process view on emergent opportunities for creativity. Third, we have focused on creativity in original thinking and the transformation of a relevant object of learning into a learnable. Finally, we have considered research on the rise of learning collective emotional side, conceptualized in terms of class mood and flow. We have concluded by stressing that, beyond the methodological challenges, this literature offers striking indications for a deeper understanding of classroom processes and learning opportunities. Keywords: creativity, emotional experience, classroom interaction, microtransitions, class mood |
► Educational Process International Journal has adopted continuous publication beginning with Volume 14 (2025).
► Educational Process International Journal has changed to publish in article number order instead of in page range order beginning with Volume 14 (2025).