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The Correlation of Metacognitive Skills and Learning Results Toward Students’ Retention of Biology Learning: Students Learning Only to Pass Examinations pp. 171-179 | Published Online: July 2018 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.73.1 Maria Yasinta Afoan, Aloysius Duran Corebima
Abstract This research was conducted in order to uncover the correlation of metacognitive skills and learning results toward students’ cognitive retention at the implementation of SQ3R integrated with RQA, SQ3R, RQA and conventional learning. This descriptive-correlational research was conducted twice. The research population was all students of class XI Senior High Schools in Malang in the 2017/2018 academic year. The first research samples were the students of class XI Science 2, and 3 of Senior High School 5 Malang as well as Class XI Science 1, and 3 of Senior High School 9. The second research samples were the students of class XI Science 3, and 4 of Senior High School 5 Malang as well as class XI Science 2, and 3 of Senior High School 9. The results of the correlation regression analysis showed a correlation between metacognitive skills and learning results toward students’ retention at the implementation of the RQA learning model. There was no correlation found related to the implementation of SQ3R integrated with RQA, SQ3R, and conventional learning. The factor that might have caused this phenomena to occur is students learning only in order to pass the examination. Keywords: conventional learning, learning results, metacognitive skills, retention, RQA, SQ3R |
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Pitfalls of Globalization: A Case of Science Education in Less Developed Countries pp. 180-188 | Published Online: June 2018 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.73.2 Shairose Irfan Jessani
Abstract The purpose of this paper is two-fold; to explain the ideological thrust of globalization in shaping different approaches of science education; and to discuss the impact of neo-liberal agenda on the science education reforms in LDCs. The structure of the paper is as follow. First, the trends and approaches of western science education along with their theoretical assumptions are discussed. Then, the linkage of neo-liberal ideology with the concept of globalization and current science education is explored. Next, the role of English language, aid agencies and educational research in the context of science education are debated in defining the status of LDCs in knowledge economy. Finally, a call for “indigenization” in curriculum, policies and practices of LDCs is made, in order to achieve the goal of a relevant and context-sensitive science education. Keywords: science education, neo-liberal agenda, less developed countries |
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Place of Error Correction in English Language Teaching pp. 189-199 | Published Online: July 2018 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.73.3 Ali Akbar Khansir, Farhad Pakdel
Abstract This review paper is intended to discuss the function, objective and aim of correction as a language strategy in English language learning. In reality, correction is termed as feedback by teachers. Feedback is useful where there is a lack of knowledge, especially the failure of students to use language correctly. Error correction is not an essay and it is should be practiced as instructed by the teacher in a language teaching setting. Error correction is a way to develop competence of language learners in a second or foreign language. It can be used in order to attain conscious knowledge of a second or foreign language, and in learning the language’s rules. What is important is that errors in language speech and writing are viewed as having detrimental effects when acquiring a second or foreign language. Keywords: errors, error correction, feedback, English language, foreign or second language |
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CIRSA: Designing Instructional Kits to Empower 21st Century Skill pp. 200-208 | Published Online: July 2018 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.73.4 Refirman Djamahar, Rizhal Hendi Ristanto, Nurmasari Sartono, Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan, Ahmad Muhlisin
Abstract Research about scientific literacy and metacognitive in the learning process is one of the main aspects of education with a vision to strengthening 21st century skills. This study aimed to produce a learning design as a product of a scientific approach-based cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRSA) media with a vision of empowering science literacy and metacognitive. The research method employed was a 4D research and development model (define, design, develop, disseminate). However, the research was limited up to the develop stage. The research result indicates that the product of CIRSA learning development in form of syllabus, lesson plan, learner worksheet, and evaluation instruments were within the category of very valid and feasible to be used as a learning media for Biology as a subject at the junior high school level. The research result is expected to contribute in the empowerment of scientific literacy and metacognitive. Keywords: CIRSA, instructional kits, metacognitive, scientific approach, scientific literacy |
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Assessment of Self-esteem, Locus of Control and Achievement Motivation of Female Students in Kwara State Colleges of Education, Nigeria pp. 209-221 | Published Online: July 2018 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.73.5 Oluwaseun Tayo Olaoye, Damilola Daniel Olaoye
Abstract This study carried out an assessment of locus of control, self-esteem and achievement motivation of female students at Kwara State College of Education, Nigeria. 240 respondents were selected from each of the two colleges of education, purposively selected for the study making a total of 480 respondents. The instrument used was a structured questionnaire which was validated and tested for its reliability. Descriptive statistics were used in order to answer the research questions, while inferential statistics of multiple regression analyses were used to test the research hypothesis. The findings show that 66.67% of female respondents have internal locus of control and 33.33% have external locus of control; that 29.20% of the students have low self-esteem, while 70.80% have high self-esteem; and that 16.67% have low achievement motivation, while 83.33% have high achievement motivation. Finally, locus of control and self-esteem significantly predict achievement motivation of female students (F = 61.336; p < .05). However, it was recommended that parents should give adequate support and encouragement to their female children in order to maintain high achievement motivation spirit. The government of Nigeria should create an enabling environment capable of maintaining the growth of achievement motivation among female students by showing greater concern and interest for investment in engineering and industry. Keywords: locus of control, self-esteem, achievement motivation |
► Educational Process International Journal has adopted continuous publication beginning with Volume 14 (2025).
► Educational Process International Journal has changed to publish in article number order instead of in page range order beginning with Volume 14 (2025).