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Problem Posing of High School Mathematics Student’s Based on Their Cognitive Style pp. 7-23 | Published Online: January 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2017.61.1 Abdul Rahman, Ansari Saleh Ahmar
Abstract Mathematical problem posing plays an important role in mathematics curriculum, since it encompasses the core of mathematics activities, among other things, with students’ activities to construct their own problems as the preliminary step to actual problem solving steps. This study aims at revealing the profile of students’ mathematical problem posing based on their cognitive styles in order to know and understand the learning of mathematics students. As a result of this study, students who have the cognitive style ‘field independent’ (FI) are able to propose a solvable mathematical problem and load new data, and also pose problems categorized as high-quality mathematical problems. Students who have the cognitive style of ‘field dependent’ (FD) are generally limited to solvable mathematical problems that do not contain new data, and mathematical problems of a moderate level. In this study, it is seen how student’s work mathematical problem posing using their cognitive style, resulting in a breakthrough in the process of learning to use students’ cognitive styles so as to increase the quality of learning outcomes. Keywords: cognitive style, field dependent, field independent, problem posing, mathematical statement |
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The Effects of Creative Drama-Based Instruction on Primary School Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Conceptions of Teaching and Learning pp. 24-36 | Published Online: January 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2017.61.2 Necdet Aykac
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of creative drama-based instruction on in-service primary teachers’ self-efficacy and teaching and learning conceptions. In this study, sequential explanatory mixed model was used. Questionnaires determining in-service teachers’ self-efficacy and teaching and learning conceptions were administrated as pre-test and post-test. In addition to this, as qualitative data at the beginning of the program, participants were asked to answer open-ended questions to map their readiness for the program, including their expectations. At the end of the program they were asked to what degree their expectations were met, and what they learned from the program. A total of 20 female and 20 male in-service primary teachers participated in creative drama-based instruction that consisted of a total of 48 hours over six days. Results showed that the creative drama-based instruction increased primary teachers’ self-efficacy. Teachers reported that creative drama-based instruction had teachers develop more constructivist approach in teaching and learning. Implications and future research direction were also discussed. Keywords: conception of teaching and learning, creative drama, primary teacher education, self-efficacy |
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The Mediator Role of Organizational Justice in the Relationship between Teachers’ Prejudices in their School Relations and Organizational Commitment: A Structural Equation Model pp. 37-52 | Published Online: January 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2017.61.3 Tugba Hosgorur, Yahya Altinkurt, Duygu Kan
Abstract This study aims to test the theoretical model developed for the mediator role of organizational justice in the relationship between teachers’ prejudices in their school relations and organizational commitment levels. The research is designed using the survey model. The population comprised of teachers working at primary, secondary, and high schools in the Milas district of Mugla, Turkey, during the 2015-2016 academic year. The research sample comprised of 326 teachers selected through the disproportionate cluster sampling technique. The data for the research was collected through the Prejudices in School Relations Scale, Organizational Justice Scale, and the Organizational Commitment Scale. Pearson correlation coefficients were employed in terms of correlations between the variables observed during the research. The resulting model was tested using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Research results show that teachers have a medium-level commitment, while their organizational justice perception is slightly over the medium level. Teachers are most prejudicial against managers and students, followed by parents, and least prejudicial against their colleagues. Teachers’ prejudices against their colleagues are relatively low, while their prejudices against managers, students, and parents are close to the medium level. In this research, it was determined that teachers’ organizational justice perception plays a mediator role between the variables of teachers’ prejudices in their school relations and their organizational commitment. The intermediation of organizational justice perception displays a suppression effect in the inversely proportional relationship between teachers’ prejudices and commitment. Keywords: organizational justice, organizational commitment, prejudice |
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Principal Assignments in Limbo: A Qualitative Study on the Processes and Potential Outcomes of the Recent Principal Assignment Initiative in Turkey pp. 53-84 | Published Online: January 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2017.61.4 Mahmut Kalman, M. Semih Summak, Ismail Cimen
Abstract This study aimed at investigating school principals’ and teachers’ perceptions of the processes pursued in principal assignments and the potential outcomes of the recently enacted initiative concerning the assignments in Turkish public schools. The intrinsic case study was used as the research design. The data were collected through one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions. It was concluded that the processes, practices, and procedures followed in the recent initiative were not considered procedurally just and ethical by principals and teachers, and that deservingness had nearly no role in the principal assignments. The participants’ thoughts and perceptions overall implied that the principal assignments were entrenched in a quagmire of personal contacts and politics. More important, outcome favorability did not seem to have affected the perceptions of most of the principals. However, there were no significantly divergent views amongst the principals and teachers in terms of justifying and evaluating the initiative. Keywords: principal assignments, principal succession, procedural justice |
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Validity and Reliability Study: Values Scale for Secondary School Students (VSS) pp. 85-95 | Published Online: January 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2017.61.5 Didem Cetin, Mustafa Volkan Coskun
Abstract The purpose of the current study is to develop a data collection tool that can be used to determine the values of secondary school students. The study group consists of 299 students attending secondary schools in the city of Mugla, Turkey, who voluntarily participated in the study. For the construct validity of the scale, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), a three-factor structure was elicited for the factors of “Sensitivity”, “Trustability”, and “Responsibility”. This three-factor structure together explains 41.11% of the total variance. The scale comprises of 30 items that can be assigned scores ranging from “1 (Never)” to “4 (Always)”. When the findings obtained through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were evaluated, χ2/df ratio was found to be 2.93. The 30-item, three-factor structure obtained as a result of EFA was also examined using CFA and the results showed that the scale yields good fit values. For the trustability of the scale, item-total correlation and Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency coefficient were analyzed. In conclusion, a valid and reliable scale with adequate psychometric features was developed in order to determine the values of secondary school students (VSS). Keywords: values scale, validity and reliability study, secondary school students |
► Educational Process International Journal has adopted continuous publication beginning with Volume 14 (2025).
► Educational Process International Journal has changed to publish in article number order instead of in page range order beginning with Volume 14 (2025).