Volume 5 Issue 3 (2016)

Seizing the Unexpected and Creative Meaning Making in the Unfolding of Classroom Interaction

pp. 254-263  |  Published Online: July 2016  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.53.6

Luisa Molinari, Ameya G. Canovi


This is a theoretical article on creative meaning making in classroom interaction, with a focus on the unfolding of cognitive, relational, and emotional aspects of teaching and learning, often tied to one another. To accomplish this goal, we integrate studies from two theoretical backgrounds, i.e., the historical cultural theory and the developmental system theory principles. We have focused on several fields of research. First, we have summarized works on micromoments of creativity. Second, we have considered studies that have taken a process view on emergent opportunities for creativity. Third, we have focused on creativity in original thinking and the transformation of a relevant object of learning into a learnable. Finally, we have considered research on the rise of learning collective emotional side, conceptualized in terms of class mood and flow. We have concluded by stressing that, beyond the methodological challenges, this literature offers striking indications for a deeper understanding of classroom processes and learning opportunities.

Keywords: creativity, emotional experience, classroom interaction, microtransitions, class mood


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