Prospective Teachers’ Views on Effective Teacher Characteristics and Their Occupational Self-efficacy Perceptions in terms of These Characteristics
pp. 60-73 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.71.5
Akif Kose, Mehmet Uzun
Full text PDF | 4117 | 3456
This research aims to analyze the views of prospective teachers regarding effective teaching characteristics and the relation between their occupational self-efficacy perceptions with regard to these characteristics and to examine the relation in terms of various demographic characteristics. The research was carried out with prospective teachers who serve as candidate teachers within the Kahramanmaraş Provincial Directorate of National Education, Turkey, and who participated in the prospective teacher training program of July-August 2016. The research sample holds a total of 257 prospective teachers consisting of the whole population. Having a quantitative research design, this research used a relational screening model. The research has deployed a bi-directional scale including 41 items each. The frequency, percentage, t-test, one-way variance analysis (F statistic) was used during data analysis. Research results have displayed that the averages of teachers’ views regarding the characteristics of an effective teacher was found to be “Absolutely Necessary” ( = 4.79) and that of their occupational self-efficacy perceptions was at the level of “Completely Have” ( = 4.43). In addition, a statistically significant difference was found between the prospective teachers’ views on effective teacher characteristics and their occupational self-efficacy perceptions. However, no significant relation was determined between this difference and demographic characteristics.
Keywords: prospective teacher, effective teacher characteristics, prospective teacher self-efficacy perception
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