Volume 7 Issue 4 (2018)

Theoretical Approaches vs. Teacher as a Role Model Towards Language Learning

pp. 278-290  |  Published Online: December 2018  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.74.5

Arberore Bicaj, Arif Shala


Everyone learns a foreign language in their own way, but generally it is never considered to be very easy. The way a foreign language is taught is a significantly important area of academic research. This paper tries to identify the ways in which a foreign language can be most easily learned in order to identify the best strategies. Acknowledging the global impact of the English language, this paper explores the theoretical approaches, starting from the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach and the Task-based approach. Also considered is the role of the teacher as a model in language learning. Therefore, in order to reach conclusions, foreign language learning has been approached on a theoretical level by examining the international literature. In this way, a compilation of the literature has been produced and analyzed in order to fulfill the purpose of this research.

Keywords: foreign language, role model, communicative language teaching approach, task-based learning, teacher


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