Volume 10 Issue 4 (2021)

A Qualitative Investigation of Team-Based Gamified Learning in an Online Environment

pp. 73-91  |  Published Online: December 2021  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2021.104.5

Yunjo An


Background/purpose – This study examined how team-based gamified learning influenced students’ attitudes towards the gamification of learning, online collaboration, and competition. Furthermore, the study explored what factors contributed to the students’ positive or negative experiences with gamified learning.

Materials/methods – Game elements used for the team-based gamified learning experience included challenges, points, peer feedback and voting (social influence), and inter-team competition. Qualitative data were collected from pre- and post-surveys and participants’ reflections.

Results – Overall, the gamified learning experience had a positive influence on the participants’ attitudes toward the gamification of learning. The major factors that contributed to the positive change included (1) fun and enjoyment, (2) motivation and engagement, (3) relevance, and (4) choice and freedom. Most participants reportedly enjoyed the online collaboration in the study. The major factors that contributed to the positive online collaboration experience were effective teamwork, benefits of collaboration, and game elements. While the majority of the participants found the inter-team competition to be fun, friendly, and motivating, a few did not enjoy the inter-team competition. Teamwork was a major factor that led to either a positive or negative team-based competition experience.

Conclusion – The findings of the study provide practical insight into what should be considered when designing and implementing team-based gamified learning in online environments.

Keywords: Competition, gamification, gamified learning, online collaboration, team-based gamification.


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