Volume 12 Issue 1 (2023)

The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Teacher Self-efficacy in Terms of National Culture

pp. 37-54  |  Published Online: March 2023  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2023.121.3

Metin Kaya, Mehmet Koçyiğit


Background/purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and teacher self-efficacy in terms of cultural values.

Materials/methods – Articles indexed in the Web of Science, Scopus, and ERIC databases between 2008 and 2021 were included in a meta-analysis. The dataset included 25 articles sourced from 15 countries. The random-effects model was used as a statistical model in the meta-analysis.

Results – The study revealed a weak relationship between transformational leadership and teacher self-efficacy (ES = .28). Additionally, some dimensions of national cultures were found to be moderators in the relationship between transformational leadership and teacher self-efficacy. This relationship is predicted positively by the power distance orientation of cultures and negatively predicted by individualism and indulgence orientation.

Conclusion – There is a weak relationship between transformational leadership and teacher self-efficacy.

Keywords: Transformational leadership, teacher self-efficacy, national culture, meta-analysis.


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