Volume 12 Issue 1 (2023)

Blended Learning in Russian Higher Education: The Evolution of the Term in Science and Practice

pp. 97-116  |  Published Online: March 2023  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2023.121.6

Elena N. Strelchuk, Mariya N. Kozhevnikova, Victoria S. Borchenko


Background/purpose – The concept of “blended learning” was adopted into Russian education from other countries. However, under the new conditions, the authors’ original idea of combining different forms of learning has been transformed into a mixture of online and offline learning. This study aims to analyze the factors that led to the transformation of this concept in Russian research papers and the practice of teaching in Russian universities. The observation method was necessary to describe how the term is applied and to draw conclusions about how it is understood by teachers. 

Materials/methods – The study is based on the comparative method, which includes a selection, description, and analysis of different interpretations of the studied concept in more than 90 Russian and foreign scientific publications. The results of the analysis are presented diagrammatically, allowing for consolidation of a new perspective on this area of research.

Results – The study showed that Russian researchers understand blended learning to be a combination of online and offline lessons, while the true meaning of the term is the combination of electronic learning and traditional face-to-face tools that can be used both synchronously and asynchronously.

Conclusion – Prospects for the use of blended learning in Russian universities lie in the understanding that it requires a special form of learning process, in which students interact either with a teacher or with an electronic learning resource, depending on what is considered to help achieve the learning objectives most effectively. This requires the development of new educational technology based on innovative software.

Keywords: Blended learning, hybrid learning, distant learning, face-to-face learning, Russian universities.


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