The Role of Counselors and University Students’ Adversity Quotient in Enhancing Islamic Education (PAI) Online Learning: Insights from the COVID-19 Experience
Article Number: e2025030 | Published Online: January 2025 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2025.14.30
Tohirin Tohirin , Dina Mardiana
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Background/purpose. One of the essential components of the online education system is the university students' adversity quotient (AQ). This study examines the implications of students' AQ on the constructiveness of online learning within the Islamic Education Program (PAI) at the State University of Malang (UM), Indonesia. Materials/methods. Data were collected using a qualitative case study method through observations, documentation, and online interviews with ten students from term one, ten from term three, and seven from term five studying at the participating universities. The study employed the interactive model of Miles, Hubermann, and Saldana for data analysis. Results. The findings revealed four key indicators of university students' AQ: persistence, resilience, self-gratitude, and sincerity. These indicators contributed to enhancing the effectiveness of PAI online learning, grounded in the philosophical principle that "students are whole persons." The development of these AQ indicators was further supported by humanist-religious lecturers who facilitated the PAI learning process at UM. |
Conclusion. The results of this study emphasize the importance of external support systems, such as counselors, in strengthening students' AQ and enriching their learning experience. As a result, it highlights the need to optimize university students' AQ with the guidance of dedicated humanist-religious lecturers and counselors. The research also addresses students' challenges, especially during the pandemic, which disrupted traditional learning environments
Keywords: Adversity quotient, Islamic education, Islamic psychology, online learning, COVID-19
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